Saturday, October 07, 2006

The update you've been waiting for...

Hello everyone!
Well, mom's passed her nursing licence examination, and we're all set to go about touring the States. We leave tomorrow from Tampa at 1155hrs towards Columbus, OH; from where we'll head to Springfield. A couple of days later, we will go up north into Michigan, towards Warren and Lansing. Finally, we'll get our shot at beating the rest of the family in the race for "who-sees-the-grandson-first" ; when we go over to Canada. From then on, the programme's quite fluid, but we have to be back here by the 22nd, by all means.
For those not in the know, my aunt and uncle live in springfield, and we have old family friends in warren. I have a friend who is finishing her studies at MSU, and i haven't seen her in 5 years, so my visiting her is an absolute must. My Eldest cousin, my sister in-law and their kid aged 1.8 years live in Brampton, near Toronto.
Bets may have been placed within the family on the probability of our meeting the kiddo first back in India, so we'll try not to let down our supporters.

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