Saturday, May 05, 2007

Olivia Ruiz - La Femme Chocolat

Over the years, friends and acquaintances have brought music, both good and detestable, to the attention of my ears. an example of the former would be Olivia Ruiz, the French singer who has given us this delightful song, the video of which is available for your viewing pleasure below.

Even though my French is horrible, and French lyrics contain a lot of metaphors, they are still somewhat simple, and a quick lookup in a dictionary will yield some comprehension. But, as everyone knows, words and languages become immaterial when it comes to good music; because music has its own tongue, that speaks to something beyond our literary senses. This does not imply that language is unnecessary in the expression of music, but it is just another instrument, like so many, built upon the genius of the lyricist and the talent of the vocalist.

Friday, May 04, 2007

UN peacekeeping mission lands in USA

From: Sarasota airport,
Report by: PS

As the Resurgent UN clamped down on a completely chaotic and lawless United States, The widely anticipated arrival of the UN Peacekeeping mission in this part of the country was met with a taciturn acknowledgment by the local warlords, Who had expressed concerns for the safety of the expectedly 13,000-strong International Coalition force. However, their concerns turned to surprise and utter confusion amongst the local factions as the aircraft carrying the first contingent yielded just one man.

A Single UN peacekeeper, resplendent in his all-olive green combat uniform, and blue beret(ahem, Patka) was seen disembarking the plane by this reporter and others. Questions about the heavily armed UN force soon evaporated as the nature of this single person was known. It is now clear that the UN has decided to send one Sardar, who has been given the peacekeeping responsibilities of close to 10,000 troops and 3000 officers. The Solitary peacekeeper, when interviewed by this reporter, revealed his joy and excitement at the outset of his tour of duty, and was supremely confident about his ability to take on the unruly Street gangs of the Tampa Bay area, with his formidable arsenal of Tea-cozies, Lamb pickle and popadums, taking the place of the more conventional Armoured Personnel Carrier, Riot Control shield and Flak jacket.

In this publicity photo-op, the one-man army, comfortably divested of his uniform, is seen admiring the scenery around his command post, over tea and biscuits.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Family Memories

My extended family is often looked upon by friends and others as an ideal image. The way we are constantly engaging, meeting, loving, supporting, counseling, and living together is something that seems to be missing in most other extended families. I suppose our family is one that could fall into the joint family category, but with the extensibility and freedom that is offered by a nuclear family. A perfect combination.

As the years have gone by, I have come to the realization that this perfect cocoon that we so value is going to be a thing of the past very soon. Within the span of 3 years, we have spread all over the globe, in the pursuit of a better life, better lifestyles and more. We still actively engage, meet, love, support, counsel, and 'live' together, but only over the telephone, or the internet, or through the written word. I hope this lasts. I hope against the overriding logical conclusion that I have come to, that we are drifting. Apart, or together, I do not know.

Still, here is a picture of my mother, aged 4 years, with my grandfather, and the grandmother I never knew. She has always said how lucky she feels to have come into a family like ours, and although she is optimistic about the future, I have my reservations.

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