Friday, November 10, 2006

Hold the Press!!!

On the cusp of our expected move to Naples, Bart dropped a bomb on us by cancelling the whole shebang. Just yesterday, my prospective employer had called in to confirm if i was moving, and i had affirmed that i was indeed. Now, out of the blue, Bart calls me and asks if i still have the offer...
You can imagine the turmoil that followed. Inbetween calling Bart a thousand names and calling up mom, i called up the employer, and informed them that i was now availiable. To my incredibly good luck, they asked me to come on down and sign a few papers rightaway.
So now, I've signed up with a firm called Morton's gourmet market, as an assistant pastry cook, and mom has been placed in a clinic in Bradenton, which is about the same distance as Panchkula and Mohali. We've decided it will be best if we moved close to mom's workplace, and let me do all the travelling for work. Now, a Car is a priority, as Morton's is pretty far from Bradenton, by most counts.
I also checked in on Dell today, where i was cheerfully informed that my laptop would maybe arrive sometime in December. I told them to take my incomplete order, roll it up into a tight bundle, and shove it up their collective arses. I mean, why the hell should i wait so long for a stupid PC when i can just go and buy one in a store, even if it's more expensive? it's outrageous! I cancelled the order straightaway, and now, i'll have to start looking all over again.


Anonymous said...

I'm so thrilled you're starting a job...that too, with a gourmet marketplace. You're going to meet so many interesting people. Remember my advice.

Harman said...

Congrats Puneet