Thursday, November 02, 2006

Oh, and did i mention (No.2)

That i've got my driver's Licence(oops, 'License') daybefore yesterday???
The road test was carried out in a little VW jetta(MT) that lives up to its name, in terms of the acceleration...and consisted of nothing more than a few stop-and-go sequences, a 3-point turn and a parking test. Even with the wierd left driving position and a gearshift on the right, it wasn't all that bad. I've just got to learn to stay in the correct lane, as Alice pointed out...
Alice is a sixty-something four-foot 3 inch petite package of a lady, who used to drive trucks for a living in her heydays. she has portuguese and english ancestry, and is a, hold your breath, 4th generation jamaican. Hearing her talk is a strange and delightful experience, a little white old lady who speaks the Rastaman's brand of english. Imagine Sir Clive Lloyd speaking at a cricket match an octave higher than usual...
By the way, i'm going get a phone today, so i'll be calling all of you guys pretty soon.

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