Thursday, November 30, 2006

What's cooking for dinner, everybody???

So today, mom had a little after-work meeting and dinner thing she had to go to, so she was worried as hell about my dinner, despite my constant reminder that i cook stuff for a living. I decided on some angel-hair pasta, that i boiled a little under al-dente, while i sauteed some shallot and garlic in bacon trimmings. throwing in the parboiled pasta, with some of the nice pasta water, i cooked it nicely on a medium heat while i sprinkled some freeze-dried basil and oregano on top(nice stuff, better than the dried herbs) finally finishing the thing off with some half&half, a generous knob of pesto sauce, a liberal drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil and some of that gorgonzola i'm trying to put to use before it gets really reeking....a nice meal, accompanied by a chilled bottle of Pilsner Urquell(sorry, no chardonnay was to be had)

the energy and the paitience to do all of this, even as i had missed my bus and had to travel for two hours just to get home, has to come from somewhere...the energy to type this post however, comes from a very cold pint of Guiness.

Just for fun, i'd like to ask every one of my loyal readers to describe what they had for dinner today...


Sumeet said...

Nothing as fancy as you I'm afraid....Three slices of Super Peperoni Pizza from Slice of Italy :) and an Old Monk with coke. :):)

Sumeet said...

oh... and I heated the remaining three slices of that pizza in a pan for breakfast this morning... peperoni first thing in the morning....mmmmmmm :)

V. said...

Humm.. lets see..
I started off with chicken.. Thought i will shallow fry it and then make a curry out of it. Half way through I put some oregano in it along with some red and yellow capsicums.
To that was added some fresh coriander and grilled almonds and a bit of coconut milk.
Had this with some fresh salad, tomatoes and boiled maze.
Gulped all of this down with a "cocktail" of orange juice, banana juice and syrup of orgeat (green almonds).
No, I didn't drink any alcohol yesterday, well not at least till late night (some baileys that i was left with in a bottle...).
And yes, I have soem weird tastes!
Bon apetit!