Thursday, December 14, 2006

At the end of a long day


Today was a rather longish day for me. Since it was going to be just me and Jeannie in the kitchen today, i decided to come in early and be of some more use to her. Of course, the one extra hour i spent in the morning turned out to be my slowest and most unproductive, which really got Jeannie into the quiet sort of temper every intelligent man should fear in every woman.

After a quick and precise pep-talk, I hastened my pace, and hammered out orders and produced the goods as fast as i could. I ended up staying an extra half-hour, leaving Jeannie to deal with those frustrating petit-fours that require a double shot of effort.

At the Bus Station, my usually cheery and leadfooted bus driver could be found on his driver's seat, reading Poe, and letting the engine idle until the clock struck 6:15 PM. All seemed to be going well, until i perceived that the bus was moving a bit too close to another parked bus, and a loud bang was heard. Apparently, it was too close. The buses met rear-bumper to rear-door, and my usually cheery and leadfooted bus driver had the blood drain from his face. The poor guy was choking with emotion when he radioed his base, taking his time to 10-4 every order. Every one of us regular bus-goers felt bad for our usually cheery and leadfooted bus driver, and tried to buoy his sunken spirit; that we so admire on our daily 70 Mph blast on the US41...

I finally ended up riding on a bus the SCAT people sent over to cover for the stricken vehicles, and reached home at eight-thirty tonight...a really long day.

Music - Children of Bodom - Are you dead yet?

1 comment:

V. said...

Humm.. my first REALLY lead footed or was that rhetoric?
Second thought - I dont have any...