Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Chocoholism

While mom worries about the impending binge drinking that may take place when I am set loose upon Indian soil, I am worried about a far more serious issue.

I have taken to chocolate.

It's not as if I have started to consume large quantities of assorted candy, but I have indeed began to eat prodigious amounts of chocolate. My desk at home has a corner reserved exclusively for a few bars of dark chocolate, as well as a handful of chocolate dipped almonds and raisins. My dessert is invariably dark chocolate ice-cream, or mint chocolate cookies, and I drink a cup of hot chocolate truffle every other day.
The Swiss consume over 10 kilos of chocolate per person per annum, of which most is high-quality Dark chocolate. The Americans eat about 5 kilos per annum, with two-thirds of that being in the form of milk chocolate, candy, and chocolate-based sweets. Dark chocolate is preferred by older people, and those who have an acquired taste for it.

I spend about $5-15 each week to support my addiction, which may not seem like a lot of money, but, convert it to rupees, and you have a weekly cost of within the Rs. 500-per-week range. I bet I wouldn't spend that much money on petrol inspite of having the priviledge of riding a gas guzzler.

So, I must reform myself. Living in Delhi will have to be done on a shoestring budget, of about Rs. 6000/- , plus whatever I withdraw from my earnings here(something to be done only in life-and-death situations) In this case, I have to wean myself off the food of the gods., no matter what.

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