Sunday, October 01, 2006

Bhaji on the beach...

' ju go to da beach, and there ju see the babez '

or so said a teacher in our school. Being the ever-obidient student, i decided the time was ripe to follow his worldy wisdom. Having been endowed with mobility and a good pair of legs, i hopped onto the bike and pedalled down to the Lido keys.
As i got into the main square flanked by a dozen CLK's, carreras, rangies, and the rare bentley, i made out that this area was'nt exactly as beachy as i expected. Everywhere i looked, i could percieve that this was a playground for the filthy-rich. Stores filled with overpriced crap-ola were abundant(A-la Khan market, Santushi complex etc.) Wine-Swilling white people were the dominant species on the ground. There was Baroque music being piped onto the public loudspeakers, for god's sake.

How can you play baroque on the air and expect to be taken seriously??
Americans just try too hard.

So before anybody percieved a sweaty brown person on a bicycle through their rose-tinted Diors, and called for security, i made a discreet exit to the beach.

The Lido Beach, as viewers can no doubt see, is rather nice-looking, let down only by severe lack of equally gorgeous women. Seriously people, i saw just about 4 to 5 specimens who could fall in the well-defined category of ' hot chicks '
Viewers may also note my attempt to visualise the scarcity by the strictly-documentary photograph on the right.


anyway, the beach was nice, the sand was white and powdery, and the sunburn was a shade of mahogany.

CORRECTION---There were NO bentleys, but several lookalike clones trying to pass themselves off as the real thing. Americans...

Music- The Streets-the irony of it all

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