Monday, October 02, 2006

That Old Feeling...

It seems my legs are getting back into their old limber shape again. Today, i cycled across the county line all the way to the Wal-Mart, to demand my bike's missing technical manual, and to look at wider, cushier seating options.
As my legs get more and more sprightly, my butt becomes more and much, much more numb. perhaps it's the slim design, or the seat angle, but i feel as if i have been booted squarely in the seat of my pants most of the time...

i"m doing my best to avoid spending money on the bike, especially since i've still got to get myself some decent sandals. The Wal-Mart has a selection that would be a shade better than the range available in a Soviet-era state-run supermarket.

We finally had a tete-a-tete with the Head Honcho of CPI-Temps, Nikhil Kataria today. The firm seems hard-pressed for fresh jobs at the moment, but nontheless, the guy asked me to send him my resume first thing tomorrow. Let's see what becomes of this.

Music- Fryderyk Chopin-Walc Es-dur, op. 18

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