Saturday, November 25, 2006


Well, i've finally earned my first real paycheck,for the princely sum of $371.82 , minus about $50 of taxes and medicare deductions...a surprisingly low amount, for about 12 days of work...but that's the way most people feel about their salary anyway. The tax deductions are not compulsory, but i felt it was a good idea to have it done anyway, so that i may get a nice fat refund in April.

We were sitting at our table this evening, sipping Sikkim tea and discussing what our objectives were for the next year. I feel that my time here should be spent in extracting the maximum out of what this country can legally offer, give back nothing except what i am legally bound to do, then leave. Squeeze the last drop of juice from the sugarcane, and leave nothing but husk. When the System allows you to take whatever you can get your hands on, do it. Be a modern-day dacoit.
Mom sees her objective in pretty much the same colours, but she has put a figure to it. that could change, but the idea will still be prevalent. Her prospective timeline may range from the extent of her contract, to as long as five time here will most probably be limited to until i am able to join college in Delhi.

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