Thursday, December 28, 2006

Too much of a good thing

I am a Chocoholic.

It's one thing being a confirmed binger, out to get his next fix from a shiny dark square of pure 80% spliff, obtained at great financial risk. But when one works right next to the stuff, it gets bad. It gets worse when one of your co-workers is a chocolatier-in-the-rough, and lets you sample exotic varieties such as a red pepper infused 75% cocoa bar...

We work with bits of chocolate called 'callets', and the damned things are so small, you find yourself popping one or two or a half-dozen into your maws every now and then. there are also some nice truffle chocolates that are conveniently pilferable, plus the usual chocolate chips used in most of our cookies. At home lies my bar of Lindt 70%, devoured at the steady pace of one square a day.

Is it possible to die from an overdose of chocolate? Most chocolate contains higher-than-usual amounts of Iron, Copper, Zinc, Magnesium and Phosphorus. It contains Phenylethylamine, which is basically the cocoa version of the more popular Amphetamine. Another interesting compound found in chocolate is Anandamide, unique due to its resemblance to THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), a chemical found in marijuana. These reputable compounds tool around in your body to produce Dopamine, a neurotransmitter that gives pot-heads the 'high'. Even though the anandamide in chocolate helps to create feelings of elation, the effect is not the same as the THC, because THC is a party animal, and likes to mingle with a wider variety of receptors in your noggin. Also, THC is present in much larger amounts in weed, and it is estimated that it would take about 25 pounds of chocolate to achieve a similar high to that of marijuana!

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