Thursday, January 11, 2007

Day one- Line cook

Today was my fist day at the O.G restaurant, and as I walked into this new unfamiliar space, a familiar uneasiness that I had felt before, on my first day of work at morton's; came back. Here I was again, starting all over, in this new environment, with out any leads, clues or hints, nothing but instinct.

And it was my instinct that clicked today. for the first time since the happy days in Maurya, I felt a connection to the work that I was going to do. It felt like a whole bunch of dendrons, long dormant, had suddenly woken up and started firing synapses like never before. the work was methodical, precise, organised and fast. The place was not even up to full speed, and I was overwhelmed by the synchronization that was the order of the kitchen. No wonder my trainer called it 'Information Overload day'

bottomline- I enjoyed it. It finally felt like I was in a kitchen, and seeing the results of a few tosses in the pan, a few dunks in the boiler and a few moments on the grill come together on the plate before my very eyes in a matter of mere minutes was inspiring.

Of course, I say this now. As I said before, a job can be the best thing in your life for a week, and then become a form of voluntary torture the next. Wait till they have me on the line on a weekend. Questions remain- Am I strong enough? Am I Fast enough?
there was a question on the new employees questionnaire that I had filled out at morton's- What would have to happen in order for you to look back and say, 'this is the best I ever had?' I remember filling out- 'I would have to exceed my expectations' as the reply. I did not get to exceed anybody's expectations back there, but I hope I will be able to go beyond myself here, and expand my threshold.


Sumeet said...

Hey... Congrats and Good luck with the new job... I'm sure you will do well here... and oh... Hppy Lohri in advance.. will try and call you on the day....

Anonymous said...

You write very well.