Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Keeping my fingers crossed

As scheduled daybefore yesterday, I went down to the new place I had applied to for a job. The preliminary meeting with the restaurant manager had gone down well with me, and now I was going to meet the general manager.

As soon as I walked in, I realised that getting a job here would not be a cakewalk at all. There was actually competition for whatever posts were vacant. This dampened my spirits somewhat, but I still thought it was best to present myself in the best possible manner. The meeting with the GM lasted for a good 15 minutes, and we talked more about my former workplace, and the reasons I was no longer employed there. After feeding her some bullshit about how morton's was not the kind of environment I had envisioned, she helpfully offered the reasoning that they usually slow down to a crawl after the holidays, and I took up the tether and rounded up my position with the viewpoint she helpfully suggested. Not to say that was being dishonest, morton's had really slowed down since christmas, and that may be considered as the main economic reason behind my dismissal.

Anyway, the GM said that she would talk things over with the Restaurant manager, and decide by 3 or 4 pm I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.

1 comment:

V. said...

that li'l clock on th left says 4:10..
so, what hapnd...?